Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cheetah vs Leopard
Which is Which?
Check out the digital storybook Mr. Baron created with some first graders. They researched similar traits between cheetahs and leopards and shared facts and photos in this book.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Spare Time Field Trip
We had such a great time at Spare Time today! We appreciate all the volunteers who were able to join us!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Our Week
Here are some highlights from our week: testing gliders during science, sorting words by vowel team sounds, using Chromebooks to practice place value strategies, performing in the Spring Concert, and enjoying the Art Show!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Garden Project
Every year UID classes work with community volunteers, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Kargman, to plant flowers and vegetables for the garden at the Deborah Rawson Library. The children help plant the seeds and then water/care for the plants until they are ready to be transplanted in the ground in June. Not only do they learn about how plants grow, they also learn about the importance of helping others in the community. When the vegetables are ready to be harvested, they are brought to the Food Shelf. The first graders planted cucumber seeds this week. They are eager to watch the plants grow and care for them!

  Counting Pennies - Using Ten Frames