Friday, November 30, 2018

First Graders at Work!
The first graders have been busy noticing snap words, tackling long words while reading, and working with partners. They are busy writing teaching books, editing their work, and adding details. They also are being helpful community members and working together together to solve problems. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Writing Celebration
The first graders had a great afternoon celebrating their writing with families. They shared one of their published stories and one of their teaching books. Thank you to all the parents and family members who supported our authors today!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Readers and Writers
The first graders are busy writing teaching books to share information. They are learning effective ways to teach readers with their words and pictures. They are also working hard to learn snap words each day. They look for snap words in books by going on word hunts. They study words closely to learn them.

The first graders were excited to play math games on their Chromebooks this week. They practiced subtraction with the game Five in a Row. You can access the games we play at school on your home device. Click on the link below and then click on the unit in the top right corner. We are currently working on Unit 3. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Build It!
The first graders learned a new math game to practice building numbers with tens and ones. They used ten frames to show a teen number using a group of ten plus some extra ones. They also used standard notation to write addition equations (18=10+8).

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Holiday Fun
The first graders had so much fun at the mask parade and party on Halloween. They made catapults and skull puppets. They also enjoyed a tasty snack provided by the PTO. On Thursday we learned about the Day of the Dead with our third grade buddies. They made a skeleton craft using the extra Q-Tips from the last project. We had a fun week celebrating holidays together!

  Buddy Time!