Friday, October 26, 2018

Word Detectives
The children are working hard to solve tricky words in their books. Each day they receive a mission from the SSDA (Super Secret Detective Agency) to become stronger word detectives. Here are some missions they had when they found a tricky word to solve in their books:
  • Notice a problem and stop to solve it
  • Look closely from start to end
  • Use everything you know
  • Do a slow check

Friday, October 19, 2018

Apples to Cider
The first and third graders had a great time making cider yesterday afternoon. They learned about the parts of the press and how it is used to make cider. They took turns adding apples and turning the crank to grind them up. It was hard work on a very chilly day but they enjoyed tasting the cider!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

We started a new math unit titled, Comparing and Combining Shapes. The first graders are busy describing, comparing and naming 2-D shapes. They played the game "Fill the Hexagons" and noticed different ways we can fill that shape using pattern blocks. They also filled in designs using different pattern blocks. They recorded the number of each kind of block used and the total number used to fill the design. 

Word Work
We started a new unit titled, "Talking and Thinking about Letters" during Word Work time. The first graders are learning how to carefully notice and study words all around us. Here are ways we study words:
  • Read it.
  • Clap, snap and stomp the syllables. 
  • Name the letters.
  • Study it closely (share what you notice).
  • Use the sounds (think of words that begin and end the same way).
  • Notice the vowels, blends and digraphs.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Fire Safety
Firefighter Corey Clark was at Underhill ID School today to talk to us about fire safety. He reminded us to check our smoke detectors and have a fire safety plan at home. He also showed us what he looks like with his gear on and reminded us not to hide if there is a fire. First graders will take home a "Practice Fire Safety" booklet today. Please review fire safety information when you see the booklet. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday Crafternoon
The first graders and third graders painted fall trees today. They traced their arms for the trunk and used dots of paint to make leaves on their trees. Then they enjoyed reading together after they finished the project. We love getting together with our third grade buddies!

  Buddy Time!