Friday, May 25, 2018

Writing Celebration!
The first graders have been busy editing and revising their favorite realistic fiction stories to share at our writing celebration. They worked on adding dialogue, using different punctuation and making their characters come to life. They were so excited to share their stories with families today!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Share Time!
The first graders were so excited to start sharing this week. They did a great job telling about their special item, using a clear speaking voice, and taking questions and comments. We learned a lot about their hobbies, interests, and special treasures. Thank you for helping your child find something to share!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Avid Readers and Writers
We started a new realistic fiction writing unit this week. The first graders were excited to make up pretend characters, give them names, imagine adventures and write their stories. They were so disappointed when they had to put their work away on the first day! They just wanted to keep writing!  We also started a new reading unit to learn about characters and lessons. The children are excited to read and write series books!

  Buddy Time!