Wednesday, January 31, 2018

On Wednesday Mr. Langevin (Mr. L) showed us how to use Edutyping on the Chromebooks. This program teaches basic keyboarding skills. We learned how important it is to keep our hands in the middle row or "home row". The first graders will use this program to learn keyboarding skills throughout the year.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Learning About the World
The first graders started a brand new reading unit this week. They are reading non-fiction texts to learn about the world. They worked on taking a sneak peek to begin learning, studying each page, chatting about the book and re-reading to see more. They are really enjoying sharing the information they are learning with their reading partners. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Our Week in First Grade
We had a busy week in first grade! The children were so happy to lead All School Meeting on Tuesday. They were so confident and proud to share activities and talents! They continued writing reviews of their favorite things, practiced efficient strategies to solve math problems, described different balls and investigated how they move, and worked on reading like a star. We also finished our last Lunch Bunch group and enjoyed listening to Mercy Watson stories. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Fun Friday!
What's more fun than wearing pajamas and reading with buddies? Creating forts and reading with flashlights! What a fun day!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Book Project
The first graders had a great time creating dioramas today. They brainstormed their favorite parts of the My Father's Dragon series and created 3 dimensional scenes. They loved have different materials available to build with including clay, pipe cleaners, buttons, felt, and cotton balls. Thank you for sending in boxes so we could celebrate our reading together!

  Buddy Time!