Friday, September 29, 2017

We started our first social studies unit, Farming in Vermont. The first graders brainstormed different kinds of farms and shared about times they have visited local farms. We read a story about visiting an apple orchard. They had fun making apple crafts this week. It's a great time of year to go apple picking!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Our Week in First Grade
 Some butterflies emerged and we released them back into nature.

We worked as a team with reading partners by sitting side by side and holding the book in the middle. 

We practiced using a storyteller's voice to share small moment stories. Our partners helped us come up with details we could add to our stories.

We read the story, Have your Filled a Bucket Today? and talked about ways we can be "bucket fillers". 

We looked for new books to add to our reading bins during Reading Workshop. 

We ended the week with an All School Hike at Mills Riverside Park. We had a great week in first grade!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Math Workshop
This week the children learned a few new games to develop number sense fluency. They played Plus or Minus 1 Bingo with partners. They practiced adding and subtracting 1 with numbers to 10. They also played Ordering Numbers later in the week. They sorted number cards in counting order and practiced recording numerals accurately.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Reading Workshop
First graders are learning how to select just right books to read. They are looking for books that are interesting and they can read almost every word on their own. They are learning how to build good reading habits like previewing and checking predictions. They are also learning how to read with partners to work as a team.

Friday, September 1, 2017

First Week of School
We had a great week in first grade! We spent time exploring the classroom and materials, making new friends, and learning routines. We are going to have a great year together!

  Buddy Time!