Thursday, October 27, 2016

Our Week in First Grade
The children explored with power polygons and sorted them into 2 groups: triangles and quadrilaterals. They learned the word "vertices" to describe corners or points on shapes. They also practiced drawing triangles and quadrilaterals on dot paper. 


First graders celebrated the end of our first reading unit of study. They acted out some of their favorite parts from their just right books. We are excited to start a new chapter in our reading lives next week!

We made some crafts to celebrate Halloween and harvest time.  The children had such a great time at our mask parade and party. 



We also shared some writing work with our third grade reading buddies and made another craft with them too. We had such a fun, busy week in first grade!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Apples to Applesauce
Here is the other project that students completed with Mr. Baron this week. Please view the Voicethread and feel free to add a comment on any page. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

From Sap to Syrup
Check out the Voicethread that some students created with Mr. Baron today! Please comment on the last slide to answer the question. You can also comment on other slides. The rest of the children will finish their Voicethread project next week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Apples to Applesauce
The first graders helped make applesauce last Friday. They used the drops we collected from Chapin Orchard and cut them into small pieces. Mrs. Peterson helped friends cut the apples and Miss Julie cooked them. Everyone got to eat applesauce at lunch. It was so delicious! There wasn't any left at the end of lunch! Thank you to all the adults who helped us make applesauce including Mr. Wells who made a second batch that morning. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Third Grade Reading Buddies
On Wednesday we got together with Mrs. Byers' Class and made tissue paper apples with our buddies. The older children did a great job helping the first graders make the craft. The first graders practiced reading their just right books to their reading partners. We will meet with our reading buddies throughout the year to do fun projects and read great stories together!

  Counting Pennies - Using Ten Frames