Saturday, April 30, 2016

The first graders observed the bean seeds we planted before vacation and noticed there were leaves growing now! They also planted their own tomato seeds. They will watch them grow and change over the next few weeks and record their observations in their science logs.  We will also experiment with some of the plants to see how light affects growth. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Our Week in First Grade
Our bean seeds have sprouted and we are watching them grow! The children recorded their observations in their science notebooks.

Can you balance on one foot? Can you do the flamingo stretch? First graders practiced core strength training during a movement break.

We starting sharing again this week. The children enjoyed bringing in pictures, trophies, photographs and collections to show their friends. 

We also started writing realistic fiction books. The children are making up pretend characters and writing about their adventures. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

We looked at seeds and noticed how they were different shapes, sizes and colors. We examined lima bean seeds and soaked some in water overnight. We compared the dry seeds to the soaked seeds to see how they were different. We took off the seed coat and looked inside the seed to find the little plant and food storage. We also placed green bean seeds on a wet paper towel to watch them sprout. On Friday the children planted seeds for the garden project with Mrs. Adams. They planted tomato and cabbage seeds and put them in the grow lab. The first graders will water and tend to the plants until they are ready to be planted outside. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Four Winds
Last Tuesday we had our March lesson which was all about white-tailed deer. The first graders learned their connection to other plants and animals in the forest. They examined different parts of deer to learn how these features help them find food and avoid predators. The children shared signs of deer they have seen in their neighborhoods and learned how far and high they can jump. Thank you Becca and Kim for leading the lesson!

  Buddy Time!