Thursday, November 19, 2015

Community Tech Project
Mr. Baron worked with us this morning to find important places in our community using Google Earth. The first graders pointed on the map where places were and added pins to create our own map. We still need photographs for this digital project. Please send a photo of one or more of these places over vacation if you can. Thank you!

Mt. High, Joe's Snack Bar, Jericho Cafe and Tavern, Deborah Rawson Memorial Library, Underhill or Jericho Town Hall, Clark's Truck Center, Underhill Town Pond, Village Gifts, Merchants Bank, Snowflake Chocolates, Casey's Hill, and/or Mt. Mansfield Animal Hospital

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Snags and Rotting Logs
We had another Four Winds lesson this week. Patrick, Lauren, and Kelly shared how important trees are even when they are no longer living. The children learned about snags and how animals will make their homes in standing trees that are no longer living. They also learned what happens when the standing snag falls down and becomes a rotting log. They saw how the log will change over time and how it decomposes. They enjoyed looking at snags and rotting logs in the woods and finding evidence that other living things are using it as their habitat. 

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Community Volunteers are Important
The first graders are learning how members of our community help others. This week we invited Mrs. Andrea Sandy to talk with us about her work in the community. Mrs. Sandy was our school secretary from 2011-2015. She explained how she helped in the school and town communities over the years. She shared how important it is to volunteer your time to help others. We were so excited to see her again!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

First Graders Practice Typing!
The children used the Edutyping program to learn keyboarding skills today. Mr. Langevin (Mr. L) showed the first graders how to use the program. They learned how important it is to keep both hands on the middle row in the "home position".  First graders will practice keyboarding skills a few times per week. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Explore Time
We usually end the day on Fridays with Explore Time. The children have different choices for what to do. Some children, draw, read, write, build, or play games. It is a fun way to end the week!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Math Menu
We started Math Menu this week. The children have different activities to do each day once they complete their math work. I meet with small groups to work on reviewing and practicing important number sense skills. Last Tuesday during our professional development day, I went through all the fall math assessments to determine appropriate groups and skills to practice. Children will be working on becoming fluent with ten frames, writing and identifying 2 digit numbers (especially teens), and showing finger patterns to 20 to work on place value. Children who are already fluent with these skills will be working on rich problem solvers.

The Math Menu poster shows the activity and who meets at the teacher station each day.

One of the activities during the week is to play a math game with a friend when you finish your work. 

Another day children use their Chromebook to practice skills.

The children also use Try a Tile pages to count and add numbers when their work is complete. 

  Buddy Time!