Monday, September 28, 2015

Hike at the Park
Thank you parents and volunteers for joining us for our annual fall hike last Friday. We had wonderful weather to walk the trails, explore nature, and spend time with friends from other classrooms. We love this UID tradition!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Writer's Workshop
The children are busy writing small moment stories each day. They are trying to pick one tiny seed from the watermelon topic to write about. They might write a story about the time they scored a goal at the soccer game. They are learning how to bring stories to life by making characters move, talk, feel and think. First graders are also working hard to make sure their writing is easy to read. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

We were so excited to meet our butterflies this week! All 3 caterpillars changed into butterflies in our classroom and all 3 were boys. You can tell if Monarchs are boys if you see two black dots on their wings. We had fun watching them for awhile before releasing them. We knew they were hungry to find nectar from flowers. Maybe we will see them flying around the playground again!

Monday, September 7, 2015

This year all first graders will have a Chromebook to use at school! We will use them to integrate technology in most subject areas. Last week the children set up their accounts and opened a game on the site to practice using the Chromebooks. Thank you Mr. Wells, Mr. Baron, and Mrs. Peterson for helping us that day! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Caterpillars in the Classroom!
Our first science unit will be Organisms. The children are excited to observe monarch caterpillars grow and change in the classroom. We have three caterpillars and one turned into a chrysalis today! The children are so excited to observe them each day.

  Buddy Time!