Thursday, May 28, 2015

How Many Chairs?
The kindergarten friends had to figure out how many chairs there are in our classroom. They had to keep track of the number of chairs and make a clear representation of their work. They were thrilled to walk around with clipboards, make tally marks to represent chairs, and count the total number. They discovered there are 27 chairs in the classroom. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

The children are learning about different living things and how they grow and change. This week they planted bean seeds and wrote books about how to care for animals. We will be visiting the Davis Farm on Wednesday, June 3rd. Please notice the permission slip in the daily folder today.  This will be a fun way to end this unit!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Poetry Writing
Kindergarten friends are busy writing poems during Writer's Workshop. They are using their five senses to create images. Today we wrote a class poem together about spring. 

Fresh cut grass
Yummy blueberries
Birds chirping
Crumbling leaves to rake
Dogs rolling in the grass
Fun spring

  Buddy Time!