Friday, March 21, 2014

Red Clover Week
This week we celebrated the 10 Red Clover books nominated for the award. The children rotated through four different activities on Thursday and Friday. One of the activities connected with the book, The World's Greatest Lion.  The children used the Google Chrome Books to create a human/animal creature. They loved the activity, Build Your Wild Self!

Friday, March 14, 2014

We started a new writing unit this week. The children are learning to write reviews and opinions. I brought in a collection of pigs so the kids could judge them. They all picked out the "best in show" and gave reasons for picking that pig. They enjoyed looking through their own collections too. They lined up their items and judged them fairly by comparing the same thing for all (size, color, shape, etc..). They picked the best of the bunch and wrote several reasons. Throughout the unit the children will be writing opinions, giving lots of reasons to support their ideas, adding details, and writing reviews to persuade others.

  Buddy Time!